This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Happy For You by Luci Beach

 When it comes to love and romance, it doesn't matter what part of the world (London here) or what age the occurrence happens.  

Ciara and Max met when they were seven.  They didn't live near one another or share a school.  They were in a psychological study that met every seven years.  They started with friendship, then a crush, and moved on to a short relationship which ended in flames.  

Ciara has many emotional issues about wanting everyone to like her, sometimes at her own expense.  A few months before the twenty-eight year study, she planned on attracting her boss.  She wanted to write off any feelings for Max, and this might do the trick. 

Max has been wandering Europe while playing with a band, which is partly fun and partly lonely.  He contacts Ciara several months prior to the study, needing a place to stay.  I know what you're thinking. This is where the ingredients to the love potion begins to bubble.

Not quite.  

A lot of misconceptions and life predicaments need to be voiced and sorted out.  Do they take the time, and can they understand the difficulties each face?  I hope so because they could love each other and create a beautiful life if they open their ears and their hearts. 

Happy reading,


Saturday, March 8, 2025

ROCK-A-BYE COWBOY by Lexi Post now available for Preorder!

Rock-A-Bye Cowboy 

by Lexi Post 

is now available for preorder.

Releasing March 18th

Jackson Dunn has come home from his deployment with a baby he didn’t know he had, only to find the family cattle ranch is becoming a dude ranch, his oldest brother has married their enemy’s daughter, and his robust father is now in a wheelchair. That’s far more change than he’s willing to handle. He’s not even sure how his brothers think he can work when he has a tiny, pooping machine to take care of and his mind keeps jumping back to the war zone. To make matters worse, the first “guests” arrive and the last thing he has time for is a woman who keeps wandering away from the activities she’s supposed to be at.

Danielle “Dani” Hubbard has burned up her Mr. Right checklist and plans to enjoy two weeks at home watching movies, eating ice cream, and sleeping. Unfortunately, her friend whisks her away on a two-week vacation she won to a dude ranch, and Dani finds herself sleeping in bunkbeds, getting up before dawn, and chowing down with dozens of others. Intrigued that one of the Dunn brothers, who own the ranch, appears about as happy to be there as she is, she makes her vacation more interesting by investigating the sullen cowboy. The more she discovers about him, the more she’s convinced he’s the perfect Mr. Wrong.

As much as Jackson doesn’t want to admit it, Dani is actually helpful, from her advice on taking care of his daughter to putting in fence posts. That their physical attraction is off the charts, just makes their time together more enjoyable. She’s also much easier to talk to than his family, and only she has witnessed his flashbacks. Unfortunately, she’s a guest and has to go back to her life three hours away. Now, he has to decide if he’s opened up to her because she’ll be leaving and he won’t have to face her, or if it’s something else…something more.

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There's time to catch up at the Rocky Road Ranch!

The Dunns and Haydens have been fighting for the last twenty years. So when Amanda Hayden shows up on the Rocky Road Ranch as his father’s new therapist, Tanner Dunn has something to say about it…and none of it’s good.

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Brody Dunn just has to convince a city girl to sell her land to his family and he’s off to a new career. How hard can that be?

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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Marshal & Mrs. Morgan (and so much more)


        Hello, gentle readers! Hope you are all well and staying safe!
        So, what’s been on my agenda for the past couple days? Just the usual business (I’m not one to sit still for very long). No wonder, when I go to bed, I sleep like a rock (for which I’m thankful. The DH suffers from insomnia. I used to but like with everything else in my life, I put myself on a sleep schedule and that helps tremendously).   
        I finished my read through of The Marshal & Mrs. Morgan, which is due to my publisher at the end of April. It’s now with my beta readers. I did it a little different this time. Normally, I print out the manuscript, set myself up at my dining room table with all my ‘help’ books and read the entire thing out loud. Well, my printer is down and even though I’ve tried to fix it, I just can’t get it to work. Might be time for a new one though I hesitate…I’ll try one more time to fix it and see if I have the magic this time. 
         I’m also working on getting Wife By Surprise ready to release. That’s the third book in The Wives of Bravado County series. There could be a fourth story…if I can find the time to write it. 
        Oh, and I finished my taxes…that’s a major accomplishment! 
        I will admit that I took some time for myself yesterday. I recently got rid of cable and got Netflix, which I’m loving even though I don’t have much time to sit and watch television. I did yesterday though. Took a break from the writing (and everything else) to watch Zero Day, which was excellent. Great writing, I thought. Great acting, too. Robert DeNiro was wonderful. The supporting cast was, too! 
        And that’s about all for me…The Madam and Mr. MacLean is not going to write itself so I should get back to it. So far, I’m enjoying it. 
        Stay well! Stay safe! And remember to spread kindness wherever you go!


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Splendour Falls by Susanna Kearsley

 A decent vacation is exactly what Emily Braden needs.  We may consider living in England vacation enough, but anywhere away from the norm is a better description of a vacation.

Emily is encouraged by her cousin, Harry, to meet him in Chinon, France.  A beautiful and historic site where Queen Isabelle once spent her days.  

With a small amount of family prodding, Emily set out for the luxury accommodations near a crumbling castle.  True to nature, Harry didn't show up on time while Emily met a charming local who gave her a ride.  Carrying on with the "new-friend-making" day, she stepped into the attached pub and garden terrace.  A few young men her age immediately took up with her.

In addition to friend Simon, a classical musician, a vineyard owner, and a friendly staff kept Emily busy with sightseeing and exploring.  

During an excursion, a death happened at the hotel.  Possibly a murder.  

Several men in her new surroundings had an affection for Emily, yet can she trust any of them?  

The handsome man who'd given her a ride, owned the vineyard and offered her a tour and dinner.  The musician is quiet and reserved, although he makes time for her.  The college man repeatedly tours the castle and finds historical stories with her.  

The men are all charming, but there's been a murder, and it can be one of the men she spends time with.  In addition, where has her cousin been?  The romantic atmosphere of Chinon, France and the close contact with the inhabitants is quite the mystery of love and murder.

It's a perilous vacation unless Emily chooses the right path and the right man to hold hands with.

Happy reading,


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Update for February 2025


         Hello, gentle readers! Hope you are all well and staying safe!
        Well, shame on me….looks like I missed posting! Not sure how that happened. Could it be that I’ve been a little busy? Well, the short answer is yes. 
        The day job is crazy busy (but really, when isn’t it?) and I’ve been writing. A lot. This is a good thing. I finished The Marshal and Mrs. Morgan (it’s going through critique as I write this) and I’m happy with it. Hope my editor is, too. I’ve started The Madam and Mr. MacLean, the third book in the Matchmaker Mischief series. I’m happy with that, too (so far! I will admit to ripping out the POV switch in the first chapter because it wasn’t quite working, but that’s okay…it’s already better).  
        I’ve never been a pantster. I’ve always had some kind of outline—plot points that I want to cover--but for both of these books, I’m just flying (no guardrails! Oh my!). It helps that I like my characters and they’ve been talking to me, so this is a good thing.
        Of course, it also helps to have a fantastic critique partner and we frequently talk about our stories. I take copious notes so I don’t forget because, you know, the brain isn’t what it used to be.
        Neither is the body. I think I’m getting too old to get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floors. I did that yesterday and I tell you, I’m one hurtin’ puppy today! Going up and down the step stool is no picnic either!
        Speaking of busy, I should get back to it!
        Stay well! Stay safe! And remember to spread kindness wherever you go!


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Deal by Elle Kennedy

 Highly musical, Hannah is far from reserved as a vocalist during her practice and presentations on campus.  She's in love with music.  Waitressing part-time helps with the bills, but she needs a lot more help with attracting a boyfriend.

Garrett's devotion to being a professional hockey player takes a lot of his time.  He takes his studies seriously also, but Ethics is a never-ending battle.  He needs the grade to stay on the team and advance.  

Hannah excels at philosophy and Garrett needs her for tutoring after an 'F' grade.  They've never hung out together, but Garrett has a plan.  It's a sneaky plan.  If Hannah helps him pass the class, he'll get her a date with her secret crush, Justin.

Sounds simple enough.  The story dives a lot deeper.

In the mix, Hannah and Garrett have a chance to get to know and respect one another.  Again, it's not as easy as it sounds when you add Hannah's insecurity with getting near any man physically and Garrett's overpowering father and their different lifestyles.

Love, friendship, trust, education, bribery, and great hearts collide in one semester.  I know which people and variables I'm rooting for, and I couldn't flip the pages fast enough to find out where the multi-layer drama finishes its maze.  Are hearts broken, mended, or made stronger?  

I vote for stronger hearts!

Happy reading,


Friday, January 31, 2025

HARD AS A ROCK COWBOY by Lexi Post has released!


Hard as a Rock Cowboy 

(Rocky Road Ranch: Book 2) 

by Lexi Post

She’s the only thing standing in the way of the life he’s always wanted…

Brody Dunn is anxious to start his training as a wildlife manager and begin his new career away from Rocky Road Ranch. His father has agreed to release him from his promise to work on the ranch if he can convince the neighbors to sell their land.

When he discovers that the granddaughter of the elderly couple who owned the land has inherited it, and better yet, has lived in the city her entire life never knowing the land existed, he’s sure it will be easy getting her to sell.

Hannah Kingsley is shocked yet thrilled to discover she owns land in Four Peaks. Though it’s nothing but desert and an old casita, it’s all hers. Besides, it even comes with a knowledgeable and handsome neighbor! What could be better?

It doesn’t take long for her to realize Brody wants her to sell right away, yet the more she learns about her property, the town, and him, the more she knows this is the place for her. And just maybe, Brody’s the man for her as well. But can she get him to see what’s right in front of his nose, or will his one-track mind be his downfall?

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Brody looked to where Hannah pointed briefly before grabbing his waist again. “Yes.” He adjusted their course a bit and brought them within fifty feet of the building before halting.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see this!”

At Hannah’s exclamation, alarm bells went off. He got off the ATV and before he could say anything, she’d jumped off, only to stumble a bit. He grabbed her arm to help her regain her balance.

“Thank you. I didn’t realize my equilibrium was so delicate.”

He let go when she lifted her hands up to take off the helmet. She set it on the machine before turning to look at the adobe building barely discernible from the cacti and Goat’s Beard vines growing over it and against it.

“If it wasn’t so flat out here, I would have never noticed this. I wonder if it was here even before my grandparents bought the land.”

“My guess is it’s been here at least sixty years.” He’d hoped that would make her shy away, but that wasn’t her reaction at all. In fact, her eyes widened with glee.

“Wow. That’s just amazing.” With that, she started forward.

Quickly, he grabbed her arm. “Whoa there, where you going?”

“I’m going inside, of course.”

He planted his feet, still not letting go. “I wouldn’t suggest it. That building has been abandoned to the desert. That means nature could have taken it over including animals, reptiles, and insects.”

She blinked as if considering that for the first time. “Would any of them be dangerous. I mean, beside tarantulas. I do know they live out here.”

He called on his patience, of which he wasn’t known for. She was simply ignorant of the dangers of the Sonoran Desert. He let go of her arm and stepped between her and the building to face her. He wanted her to know how serious he was. “Yes, there could be tarantulas, but also rattlesnakes, raccoons, or even javelinas, not to mention the walls could cave in.”

She eyed the building, hopefully seeing what he saw. “I didn’t realize. I guess we’ll have to investigate carefully.”

As she stepped around him, he stood in shock for a moment before his senses caught on that he needed to protect her. Spinning around, he strode up next to her. “I wouldn’t advise going inside.”

She glanced at him but kept her focus on the building. “Thank you. I still want to see it.”

Beyond picking her up and carrying her back to the ATV, there was nothing he could do. It was her land and her old casita. Still, he wouldn’t let her get hurt. Luckily, she started by walking around the structure. She stopped and pointed away from it to a pile of rotted wood on the ground. “Was that the shed?”

“Yes. There was more wood, but a lot has rotted back into the ground.”

She didn’t respond, instead continuing her walk around the building. Finally, she stopped at the front door, which was made of thick ironwood being held on by rusty hinges. “It’s beautiful.”

He frowned, not sure he heard her right. “Did you say it’s beautiful?”

She pulled out her phone and took a picture. “Yes, the way nature has wrapped its arms around this manmade structure as if to protect it. Don’t you think it’s poignant?”

Staring at the vine covered walls and a mesquite that towered over the roof, he tried to see what she saw. But he couldn’t. “It definitely makes a statement…to be careful.”

She shook her head at him before moving forward toward the door.

His hand shot out before he could take it back, and she halted. “Is something wrong.”

“Just go slow. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Her warm brown gaze softened. “I promise, I’ll be careful.”

Nodding, he curled his fingers into fists as she pushed a few vines aside, ducked beneath them, and opened the door.

About Lexi:

Lexi Post is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of romance inspired by the classics. She spent years in higher education taking and teaching courses about the classical literature she loved. From Edgar Allan Poe's short story “The Masque of the Red Death” to Tolstoy’s War and Peace, she's read, studied, and taught wonderful classics.

But Lexi's first love is romance novels so she married her two first loves, romance and the classics. Whether it’s sizzling cowboys, dashing dukes, hot immortals, or hunks from out of this world, Lexi provides a sensuous experience with a “whole lotta story.”

Lexi is living her own happily ever after with her husband and her two cats in Florida. She makes her own ice cream every weekend, loves bright colors, and you’ll never see her without a hat.


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